Email Solution for ContactNow


ContactNow was launching a new fee structure and existing email did not provide adequate communication. The existing system did not help or guide the user in any way, other than offering a login link. The new design had to:• Communicate useful information. E.g. Minutes left and how many seats left • Add helpful aids, such as direct links and informative copy • Add branding and consistency to the email design


As I was designing the email solution from scratch I started by auditing what emails were needed and for what type of user. Before I started on the visual aspect of the email design I wrote a skeleton structure of the emails, looking at what data was needed. I worked with engineering to establish any technical limitations and used our conversations to help structure the emails. I also worked with engineering and product throughout the project so that other team members were kept up-to-date.The emails were designed so that they could be templated and the user could easily break down the information. I added colour coded bars to the top of each section to brighten up the design but also provide a visual break. Once the initial email copy was passed through marketing, after a few changes it was ready to be placed in the designs.
UX Writing
Having established a skeleton structure of the emails, as well as what emails were required, I broke up the emails into sections; this made standardising the emails easier. The email copy was written in a clear, concise, and friendly manner, as users often had little time and mainly wanted confirmation of a particular event. Links were added where appropriate, with the aim to help guide the user where they needed to go. The overall aim of the new UX copy and structure was to improve the emails and integrate them as part of the contact centre experience.
Email Templates
Different types of customers required different types of emails. Subscription based customers had one set of emails and pay as you go customers had their own with different triggers. This was solved by having two sets of customisable templates for each customer type.
ContactNow had customers in the UK and the US, so the copy had to be adjusted, depending on what website the request came from.


The new purpose built design completely replaced the old system, with improved experience and visuals. With the new design the users were guided by direct links and freshly written copy; it added the much needed branding and consistency, both visually and functionally. ★
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